British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association




Hi! We are the University of Bristol Lifesaving Club.


UBLSC trains members in wet and dry first aid skills, as well as speed lifesaving events. These are all put to the test in competitions against the 10 other BULSCA lifesaving clubs.


It's not all about competing though; we host plenty of socials, always supporting each other and having fun with no pressure! In the summer, we aim to go on a Weekend Away together - this is always something to look forward to!


We also enjoy working with the RLSS (the UK’s leading water safety and drowning prevention education charity) to promote water safety and have promoted their ‘Don’t Drink and Drown' campaign for several years.


We are always keen to welcome new members and host 'Give it a Go!' sessions in which Freshers and Re-Freshers can try out the sport. 












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Lifesaving love x

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