British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association

Switching to the...


Switching to the new Scorer


As of the 2023/24 season all league competitions will now be scored using the online scorer.


This new scorer combines hundreds of hours of time and effort and the amazing competition hosts from Warwick, Southampton and Bristol for trailing it.


This new and improved scorer follows the same scoring system but provides a whole host of additional benefits and quality of life changes:

  • Faster team entry
  • Simpler score entry
  • Faster score calculation
  • More accurate score calculation (to over 20 decimal places)
  • Easier SERC and Speed entry and editing
  • Online result viewing
  • Automatic heat and SERC order generation 
  • And moreā€¦


With the goal to make running a competition as smooth as possible, the next stage is to reduce the amount of paper used.

The solution is to allow judges to judge on their mobile devices, eliminating paper scores sheets entirely. This is nearly ready and you may experience it in action

at a competition this year. Or if your from Nottingham or Sheffield you will already have some experience with it.


If you're interested in using the new scorer for your own internal competition or want to find out more,
you can email the Data Manager at [email protected].

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